London St. JuniperDec 19, 20183 min"Thank You, Zelda": Women's Labor in _Mrs. Maisel_I have feelings about The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. The first is that I love the show. I haven't yet indulged in the second season, but I...
London St. JuniperNov 29, 20182 minAlt-Ac ImpostorI delivered my first lecture as an adjunct English professor on August 25, 2008. On December 7, 2017 I delivered my last, and left the...
London St. JuniperOct 19, 20175 minModesty and Mayim Bialik“I still make choices every day as a 41-year-old actress that I think of as self-protecting and wise,” writes Mayim Bialik in her October...
London St. JuniperAug 15, 20172 minPublic Image and Subterfuge There are none on my social media feeds arguing for understanding of hate speech and rallies, and so it is with some surprise that I read...
London St. JuniperAug 14, 20173 minHate Tattoos and Personal BrandingEarly in the spring of 2017 I read an article about a Maryland tattoo artist offering free cover-ups of hate- and gang-related tattoos,...
London St. JuniperJul 1, 20173 min"Before/After": Makeover Narratives on Social MediaClearly, I am invested in my appearance, and am cognizant of the performance I construct, so it struck me as critical in nature when a...
London St. JuniperJan 30, 20174 min"Don't you know what men think of you?""Why do you care what people think of you?" This was the question that started a downward spiral. It came at the end of a long day...